photography by Jeanine Friesen of J9 Photography
October Valentine
by LA. Evans
She walked briskly along the pathway, the dog ahead of her pulling on the leash. The sun shone brightly, illuminating the fall leaves on the trees and enveloping her in colour.
She hummed as she walked, and then began singing. With the sun warming her face and fresh air filling her lungs, she felt a deep contentment. And she thought to herself, “You are here God”.
Taking in the details of the trees around her, she admired the contrasting colours of the leaves more closely. She reached down to pick a yellow leaf from the ground, then another and another. There were so many leaves to choose from that soon she had a brilliant bouquet in her gloved hand.
It was then that she noticed the shape of the yellow leaves -- heart shaped. And, at that very moment, God spoke into her heart;
“I love you. I love you. I am here and I love you.”
She stood still, looking at all the leaves. The heart-shaped leaves surrounded her, some hanging from the trees above, while others created a beautiful carpet under her feet. She smiled. It was simple and profound and personal, and she wanted to share it with her friends.
She collected more leaves, then continued to walk and consider the depth of God’s love for her. The heart shaped leaves were from poplar trees -- fast growing, weedy trees that were not highly valued. And God chose those particular trees to display his love to her. Not the mighty oak nor the stately maple, but the humble, overlooked and often disposable poplar.
Invigorated by her walk and God’s message of love, she and her dog made their way along the pathway toward home.
May this story remind you of the One who loves you uniquely, personally, beyond comprehension.
This is beautiful!