I've never received a virtual award before… and maybe a real one only a couple of times. Once in middle school I received a Citizenship Award for being a good and caring student, and another time a Participation Award for completing the Canada Fitness Challenge without giving up. So, you can imagine my amazement at receiving an award for being 'Neighbourly'!
My online friend Pastor Sharon at Dances with God gave me this award in thanks for my support of a not so popular blog she posted some time ago. And I thank her for her kindness to me, and for the honour and the cool badge that I can post in various places. Thanks Sharon!
It feels wonderful to get recognition of any kind, yet I feel something slightly different about being recognized for my character rather than my achievement. There's this small pang of disappointment that my blog (and I) weren't chosen for great writing, or incredible impact, or excellent research, or hilarious content… rather than being recognized for being a loving neighbour to my internet friend.
It reminds me of a verse that goes something like this, 'beauty fades and charm is fleeting, but a woman of the Lord is to be praised'. Do I want to be a woman of the Lord - oh yes, please let that be true. But, do I want to also be beautiful and charming as well - yes I admit I do, maybe even more so on some days.
It's that constant vying of flesh and spirit inside me that causes my angst. And I know I'm maybe disclosing too much reality here for some, but the physical world gets it's claws in sometimes, and those deadly things that God hates raise their ugly heads in my life, my mind, my actions. I wish I could say it wasn't so, but it is.
So here I am, with my very first 'award', and I feel disappointed. So pathetic. So true. And I can see that I need to do some damage control. So, I'm going to keep this short, and go hang out on my porch with a coffee, my dog and the good book. Yep, that's where my attitude will get readjusted, where forgiveness can be requested and received. And that's where my focus can change from earthly to eternal rewards.
Forgive me this today,
Thanks so much for this Lesley-Anne. Your ability to be so publicly human gives me strength and encouragement to be more accepting of my own imperfections.
ReplyDeleteLeslie, You just keep continuing to show us what the recipe of being human mixed with grace and the Love of God can do!
ReplyDeleteThis award was by far the most serious one for me to give. I needed to make sure the person understood loving their neighbor.
You stepped out on a limb that could have easily snapped our communication completely in two pieces. However, because of the LOVE OF GOD in your heart, you didn't walk away.
That my friend is worth more than diamonds, or comedy or writing skills or anything else in the whole world.
I send you hugs for your honesty and hugs for your sweet ability to allow the Lord to keep shining through you!
God bless you much!
Thanks Leslie for your comment. I am glad to know you are my friend. Love you too,
By the way, is that your horse at the top of this blog? It is beautiful!
I finally found you. Actually as you share your short comings I tell you honestly that I couldn't remember your last name and then I thought to put in Kelowna and poetry and grace with your first name and up you popped.I read your poems and was delighted by the silkiness of the language. keep up the good work. I will continue to check in.