• sun is shining outside yet again… these autumn days are warm, yellow, wonderful.
• kids are all back in school again.
• my throat doesn't hurt today.
• my email is back online.
• God loves me and has given me a good life.
• I have friends.
• Chicken noodle soup is good for the soul… not the books, the soup!
• there are groceries in the fridge and dinner plans in my head.
• there is a sleeping dog on my couch because he and I had a good long walk.
The bad;
• someone hacked into Bob's business account and took his money.
• the days go by too quickly with too little to show for it… unless writing is considered by non-writers to be productive? Does it really matter?
• poetry is not considered to be writing, by some people.
• some people don't read.
• I can't remember what I read this morning… and I'll have to read it over again!
The ugly;
• my car is in dire need of a wash and vac.
• there are hampers full of dirty clothes upstairs.
• I still care too much about what other people do, say and think.
• even after I re-read what I forgot, I will still struggle to put it into action, and will most likely forget it again.
• I don't want to do the laundry.
• I don't want to wash and vac. the car.
Well, that's about it for now… and at the end of it all, the good outweighs the bad and the ugly. So, I guess that's good. Unless I add the bad and ugly together and then it's… more heavily weighted on the negative side of things… but who's counting!
I prefer to keep looking up!
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