My daughter Claire (11) just attended a birthday sleepover. Not my favourite in the long list of social activities that our kids participate in. And I prefer to RSVP to these parties with a negative… especially if the event is not celebrating a birthday. This one was a birthday sleepover, so after some careful consideration, I/we said yes.
So, with our kids all safely tucked into their prospective social lives, Bob and I headed out for an adult evening. We went to see the 'Hip' (Tragically Hip) and had a fun evening in the company of a crowd of about 2500 people who enthusiastically participated in the awesome musical event by dancing, screaming, drinking beer, and smoking pot. No, not us, but the people around us did. As a matter of fact, there was so much toking going on that, by the time the doors to the Performance Center were thrown open at the end of the concert, the smoke poured out with the people! I loved the music, but found the 'Sodomesque' environment a tad distracting at times.
When we arrived home, there were two messages on the answering machine. One was hard to understand… many young girl voices laughing and yelling and talking at once… and the second was our daughter explaining the first message to us. "Hey Mom and Dad", she said, "We are just playing Truth or Dare, and that was just a joke phone call to Malcolm (her 13 year old brother), so don't worry." OK, I won't worry, I thought… of course immediately worrying about what a bunch of 11 year old girls were doing making late night 'crank' phone calls and playing Truth or Dare in the first place.
After picking up my daughter and her friends the following day, I asked questions to try to determine what type of dares and truths were dealt with, how the game happened (apparently it was actually a board game given as a birthday present) and whether there might be any consequences to what had been done or shared as a result. And then I had to decide whether or not I needed to have a follow up 'teaching moment' with my daughter later… and yep, it's going to have to happen.
So, fast forward to about 10 minutes ago when I read today's blog at 'Dances with God', only to find a version of adult Truth or Dare that rocked me. Well, more truth than dare… but my point is that no matter when, if we are willing to speak truth, there will be consequences both for ourselves and often rippling out to others in our lives.
The truth disclosed by the author of Dances with God is in response to 'The Honest Scrap', in which you tell 10 true things about yourself that nobody else knows, and post them on your blog. Various other rules apply which I won't get into here.
Now I'm not saying that I'm ready or willing to disclose the type of truth that was bravely disclosed in 'Dances with God', but I have to say that I respect Pastor Sharon for doing so, and I'm thinking I'd better park here for a while to consider exactly what my heart is saying in response, and how I will apply that in my own life. Truth is often like that… it convicts… creates change… growth.
I've said that my life is an open book… but are some pages still stuck together? Am I daring enough to pry them (painfully) open?
I wonder how truthful I can really be… with you, with myself?
ReplyDeleteI pray that those who read this post as well as mine will see God's love through each of us. From reading your posts and blogs, I understand that your desire is to honor and serve the Lord. I know that is my desire as well. I want my life to glorify him. And if there may be someone struggling and thinking God could never love them, I am willing to be used as a light in the dark. I know the potential consequences. But I also know, there are people dying without him. That makes me lose sleep.
In His arms,
P.S. Thanks for showing God's love when you read my post and wrote yours. If only others could do that as well. . . . then God would be glorified in ALL things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your response. Thank you for your prayers to continue to follow after God. I never dreamt or had nightmares even, that my life would go this way.
And. . . it has taken many life lessons to get me to pay attention to his voice, his calling for me and this path to hopefully bring others to him. I love that you will pray for me. That is something we all need is to pray one for another.
Showing God's love in my comments, when I know it causes a screeching halt to read that, shows me that you are bearing good fruits of the spirit. That is truly a gift only God can give each of us.
I am blessed to know you, my blogger friend. God bless you, richly!
Another thing, that truth or dare game, those red flags you had. . . TRUST THEM!!!! What happened to me, on my post in #1 was a weaving of "harmless" Truth or Dare at the home of that Deacon. Something evil happened as a result. I wish my mother had listened to her gut! That is a journey I would have never taken if she had.