Last night I went on a little date with my husband… just for an hour to escape from the house and get a little face time together. We ended up at Starbucks, and when I looked over the menu I decided on a new drink.
A London Fog is new to me… I've heard someone order it before, but had no clue what it was. So, I decided that I was up for a manageable adventure in my life, but needed to know a little more about what I was ordering.
I looked at the 16-something trendy 'Barrista' and asked,
"What's in a London Fog?"
He looked over the counter at me, and said,
"Well, it's Earl Grey tea, with shots of vanilla, and half water, half steamed milk. And the tea is really cool… it comes in it's own little fabric bag that floats in your cup."
I swear to you… that's what he said! He didn't smile, blink, or give any indication that he knew that tea ALWAYS comes in little fabric bags that float in your cup. I looked him directly in the eye and said,
"Well, I guess I'll take a tall London Fog."
Then I sat with my new drink, and marveled at how the fabric bag floated there, and shared a good belly laugh with my husband. And I wondered how many other young employees thought that this new tea bag thing was "really cool", having no idea that they are living in a bit of a Starbucks- induced, London Fog of their own!!!
Bottoms up!
Too funny!!! I'll try one of those next time - can't wait to watch the cool little baggie float in my cup!!